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Name Area |
Power (kW) Number of turbines |
Hub height (m) |
Manufacturer | Status | Commissioning date |
Aalborg | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Abild | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Abildgard (Rebild) | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Abildgard (Thisted) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Abildgard (Thisted) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Abildgard (Thisted) | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Abildgard (Thisted) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Abol | 180 1 | Operational | |||||
Abol | 180 1 | Operational | |||||
Abol | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Abterp | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Aby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Adbol | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Adsbol | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Adum | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Adum | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Adum-Kirkeby | 24,000 8 | Operational | |||||
Aeble | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Aflandshage | 250,000 | Planned | |||||
Agard HGD Gorlev | 3,200 1 | Operational | |||||
Agdrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Agernæs | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Agerskov | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Agerup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Ajstrup | 3,600 6 | Operational | |||||
Ajstrup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Ajstrup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Ajstrup | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Ajstrup | 400 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ajstrup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Ajstrup | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Ajstrup | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Ajstrup (Vesthimmerland) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Ajstrup (Vesthimmerland) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Aker | 6,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Aker | 6,500 5 | Operational | |||||
Aker | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Aker | 1,575 7 | Dismantled | |||||
Alboge | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Alboge | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Albæk (Frederikshavn) | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Albæk (Frederikshavn) | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Albæk (Frederikshavn) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Albæk (Frederikshavn) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Albæk (Frederikshavn) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Albæk (Frederikshavn) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Albæk (Randers) | 3,000 5 | Operational | |||||
Albæk Hgd. | 500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Alkjærsig-Dejbjerg | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Allerslev | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Allerup (Bronderslev) | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Allerup (Esbjerg) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Allerup (Esbjerg) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Allerup (Odense) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Allerup (Odense) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Alminde | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Alsbo | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Alsbo | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Alslev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Alsted (Morso) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Alsted (Morso) | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Alsted (Vejle) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Alstrup (Guldborgsund) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Alstrup (Guldborgsund) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Alstrup (Jammerbugt) | 4,500 6 | Operational | |||||
Alsvej Vindmollelaug | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Ammerup | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Amtrup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Amtrup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Amtrup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Amtrup | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Amtrup | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Anderstrup-Engestofte | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Anderup | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Anderup | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Andrup (DK) | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Andrup - Krejbjerg | 600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Anholt | 399,600 111 | Operational | |||||
Arby | 18,000 6 | Operational | |||||
Arlose | 1,500 3 | Operational | |||||
Arninge | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Arninge | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Arninge | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Arrild | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Arrild | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Arrild | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Arrild | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Arrild | 2,400 4 | Operational | |||||
Arrild | 6,600 11 | Operational | |||||
Arrild | 250 1 | Operational | |||||
Arslev | 600 3 | Operational | |||||
Arslev By-Sonderup | 400 2 | Operational | |||||
Arup (DK) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Asa Melholt | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Asa Melholt | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Asa Melholt | 10,350 3 | Operational | |||||
Asbjerg | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Asdal Hgd - Asdal | 2,500 5 | Operational | |||||
Asdal Hgd. - Asdal | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Askildrup | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Askildrup | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Asko | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Asko | 3,600 1 | Operational | |||||
Asmindrup (Holbaek) | 400 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Asmindrup (Odsherred) | 600 3 | Operational | |||||
Asnæs | 600 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Assels | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Assendlose | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Assens Markjord | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Assentoft | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Assentoft | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Asted (Frederikshavn) | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Asted (Frederikshavn) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Asted (Frederikshavn) | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Asted (Frederikshavn) | 500 2 | Operational | |||||
Asted (Frederikshavn) | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Asted (Skive) | 600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Asted (Skive) | 12,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Astrup (Favrskov) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Astrup (Hedensted) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Astrup (Hjorring) | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Astrup (Hjorring) | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Astrup (Vejen) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Astrup (Vejen) | 2,640 4 | Operational | |||||
Attrup | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Attrup Torslev | 320 2 | Operational | |||||
Aulby | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Aulby | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Aulum | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Aulum | 2,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Aulum | 2,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Aulum | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Aunstrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Avedore | 900 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Avedore | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Avedore | 2,700 9 | Dismantled | |||||
Avedøre Holme | 10,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Avernako | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Aversi | 160 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Aversi | 160 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Avnede | 2,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Bagenkop | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Bajlum | 15,000 5 | Operational | |||||
Bakkendrup | 3,200 1 | Operational | |||||
Bale | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Bale | 3,600 4 | Operational | |||||
Balle | 1,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Balle | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Balling | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Balling | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Balslev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Balslev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Bandsbol | 7,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Baring | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Barlose | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Barlose | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Barse | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Barslev | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Barslev | 900 3 | Operational | |||||
Barslev | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Barslev | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Barslund Garde-Mejrup | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Barso | 300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Batum | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Batum | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bedsted | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Bedsted | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Bedsted | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bedsted | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Beersted | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Bejstrup | 4,000 10 | Operational | |||||
Bendslev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bendstrup | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Bendstrup | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Biersted | 250 1 | Operational | |||||
Bildso | 1,350 3 | Operational | |||||
Billesbolle | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Biltoft | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Biltoft | 2,700 3 | Operational | |||||
Binderup | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Binderup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Bindslev | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Bindslev | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Bindslev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Birkelev | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Birkelev | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Birkelev | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Birkelev | 1,200 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Birkendegaard | 3,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Birkild | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Biskopstop | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Bislev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bislev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bissinge | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Bjergby (Holbaek) | 4,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Bjergby (Lolland) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Bjergby (Slagelse) | 1,350 3 | Operational | |||||
Bjerlev | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Bjerlev | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Bjerlev | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Bjerndrup (Kolding) | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Bjerndrup (Kolding) | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Bjerndrup (Kolding) | 1,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Bjernæs | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Bjernæs | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Bjerre | 10,000 5 | Dismantled | |||||
Bjerreby | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bjerreby | 600 4 | Dismantled | |||||
Bjerreby | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bjerreby | 2,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Bjerreby | 2,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Bjerregard | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Bjerregrav | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bjerregrav | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bjerremose | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Bjornekær Hovedgard-Biersted | 250 1 | Operational | |||||
Bjornsholm | 3,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Bjornstrup | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Bjæverskov | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bladstrup | 160 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Blegind | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Blegind | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Blenstrup | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Blidstrup | 2,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Blidstrup | 3,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Blære | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Bochers Banke | 1,102,500 | Planned | |||||
Boddum | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bodilsker | 675 3 | Operational | |||||
Bodilsker | 2,700 3 | Operational | |||||
Bodum | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Bodum | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Bodum | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Boeslum | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Boeslum | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Boeslum | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Boeslum | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bogo | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Bogo | 180 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bogo | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bogsted | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bogsted | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bogvad | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Bogvad | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Bogvad | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Bogvad | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Bojden | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bojden | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Bolling | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Bolling | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bolv | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Bolv | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Bonderby | 2,400 5 | Operational | |||||
Bonderup | 600 4 | Dismantled | |||||
Bonnerup | 4,200 7 | Operational | |||||
Bonsvig | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Borbjerg | 2,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Borbjerg | 3,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Borbjerg | 14,000 7 | Operational | |||||
Borbjerg | 16,000 8 | Operational | |||||
Bording | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Borg | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Borg | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Borg | 250 1 | Operational | |||||
Borglum | 160 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Borglum | 160 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Borglum | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Borglum | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Borglum | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Borglumkloster | 2,400 4 | Operational | |||||
Bork (DK) | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Bork (DK) | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Bornholm | 100,000 | Planned | |||||
Bornholm Bassin Ost | 1,500,000 | Planned | |||||
Bornholm Bassin Syd | 1,500,000 | Planned | |||||
Borre | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Borre | 2,640 4 | Operational | |||||
Borris | 1,000 4 | Dismantled | |||||
Borris | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Borup | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Bostofte | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Bostrup (Favrskov) | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Bostrup (Langeland) | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Bostrup (Langeland) | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Bostrup (Langeland) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bostrup (Skive) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bounum | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Bouso | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bovling | 2,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bovling | 180 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Bovling | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bovling | 2,300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bovling | 3,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Bovling | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Bovling | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bovling | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bovling | 260 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Bovling | 1,500 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bovling | 10,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Bovling | 3,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bovling | 2,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bovling | 1,800 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bovling | 3,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bovling | 3,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bovling | 2,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bovling | 4,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Bovlingbjerg | 2,300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bovlund | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Bovlund | 250 1 | Operational | |||||
Bovlund | 300 2 | Operational | |||||
Bovlund | 250 1 | Operational | |||||
Bovlund | 250 1 | Operational | |||||
Bovrup | 900 2 | Operational | |||||
Bovrup Varnæs | 400 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Bradsted | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Brande | 3,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Brande | 10,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Branderslev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Branderup | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Branderup | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Branderup | 2,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Branderup | 400 1 | Operational | |||||
Branderup | 400 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Brarup (Guldborgsund) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Brarup (Vesthimmerland) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Brede | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Brede | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Bredebro | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Bredvig | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bredvig | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bregninge (Aero) | 400 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bregninge (Aero) | 500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Bregninge (Guldborgsund) | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Brejl | 2,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Brejnholt Gde-Tvis | 3,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Brejning | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Brejning | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Brejning | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Brejning | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Brejning | 300 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Brejning | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Brejning | 7,200 4 | Operational | |||||
Bringstrup | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Bringstrup | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Broløkke | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Brondbyvester | 5,500 1 | Operational | |||||
Bronderslev | 10,500 7 | Operational | |||||
Bronderslev | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Bronderslev | 600 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Bronderslev | 10,350 3 | Operational | |||||
Brondum (Jammerbugt) | 400 1 | Operational | |||||
Brondum (Skive) | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Brondum (Skive) | 4,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Brondum (Skive) | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Brondum (Vesthimmerland) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Brondum (Vesthimmerland) | 1,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Brondum (Vesthimmerland) | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Brons | 3,750 5 | Operational | |||||
Brons | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Brons | 3,200 8 | Operational | |||||
Brons | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Brordrup | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Brorstrup | 7,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Brorup | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Brovst | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Brovst | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Brudager | 2,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Brund | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Brund | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Brund | 450 2 | Operational | |||||
Brundby | 3,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Bruserup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Bruserup By - Væggerløse | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Brylle | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Brylle | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Bryrup | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Brystrup | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Brændekilde | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Brændekilde | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Brændstrup | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Bubel | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Bubel | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Bukkerup | 3,960 6 | Operational | |||||
Bur | 9,000 15 | Operational | |||||
Bur | 9,900 3 | Operational | |||||
Bur | 4,400 2 | Operational | |||||
Burgard | 400 2 | Operational | |||||
Burkal | 15,000 5 | Operational | |||||
Burkal | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Bustrup | 500 2 | Operational | |||||
Bybjerg | 1,000 5 | Operational | |||||
Bybjerg | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Bysted-Nautrup | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Bækbolling | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bækbolling | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bækbolling | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Bække | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Bækmark | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Bækmark | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Bækmark | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Bækmark | 18,000 5 | Operational | |||||
Dalby (DK) | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Dalby (DK) | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Dalbyneder | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Daler | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Dall | 1,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Dalumgard | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Damsholte | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Dannemare | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Dannemare | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Dannemare | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Dannemare | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Dannemare | 600 2 | Operational | |||||
Dannemare | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Dannemare | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Danserholme Mollelaug | 600 2 | Operational | |||||
Darup (DK) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Daugbjerg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Debel (Varde) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Debel (Varde) | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Debel (Vejen) | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Degneboligen Olstrup | 49,500 15 | Operational | |||||
Dejbjerg | 6,075 27 | Operational | |||||
Dejbjerg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Dejbjerg | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Dejbjerg | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Dejbjerg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Dejbjerg | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Dejbjerg | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Dejrup | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Dejrup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Del af samlet fast ejendom 4D | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Demstrup | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Den Mellemste Del | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Den sydlige del No | 3,500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Den sydlige del No | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Den sydlige del No | 1,750 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Djernæs | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Doense | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Doense | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Dolby | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Dolby | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Dolby | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Dorken | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Dostrup | 660 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Dostrup | 1,320 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Dostrup | 1,320 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Dostrup | 15,000 5 | Operational | |||||
Dostrup | 3,200 1 | Operational | |||||
Dover (Skanderborg) | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Dover (Skanderborg) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Dover (Vejen) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Dover (Vejen) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Draby | 3,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Draby | 400 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Drengsted | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Drengsted | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Drengsted | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Dronninggard | 400 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Dronninglund | 3,600 4 | Operational | |||||
Dronninglund | 850 1 | Operational | |||||
Dronninglund | 850 1 | Operational | |||||
Dronninglund | 160 1 | Operational | |||||
Dronninglund | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Dronninglund | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Dronninglund | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Dronninglund | 6,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Dronninglund | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Dræby Fed | 9,200 4 | Operational | |||||
Dunkær | 6,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Durup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Dybe | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Dybe | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Dybe | 1,350 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Dybe | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Dærup | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
EcoSwing | 3,600 1 | Operational | |||||
Eg | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Egebjerg | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Egelev | 300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Egemarke | 1,500 3 | Operational | |||||
Egense | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Egense | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Egense | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Egense | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Eggebæk Tinglev | 16,000 8 | Operational | |||||
Eggeslevlille-Eggeslevmagle | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Eggeslevmagle | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Eggeslevmagle | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Eggeslevmagle | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Egvad | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Egvad | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Ejby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Ejer | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Ejerslev | 1,700 2 | Operational | |||||
Ejerslev | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ejsing | 1,600 8 | Dismantled | |||||
Ejsing | 6,900 3 | Operational | |||||
Ejsing | 1,000 5 | Dismantled | |||||
Ejsingkær-Vildbjerg | 2,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Ejstrup (Kolding) | 300 2 | Operational | |||||
Ejstrup (Vesthimmerland) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Eksercerpladsen | 850 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Elkenore | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Ellerup | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Ellerup By - Gudbjerg | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Ellerup By - Gudbjerg | 850 1 | Operational | |||||
Ellidshoj | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Elling | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Ellinge | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Ellum | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Ellum | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Ellum | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Ellum | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Ellum | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Elsborg | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Elso | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Elsted | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Elsted | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Elsted | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Emmelev | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Emmerlev | 2,400 4 | Operational | |||||
Emmerske | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Endegarde | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Endelave | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Endelave | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Engelholm Hgd - Snesere | 9,900 3 | Operational | |||||
Engelstrup | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Engelstrup | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Engestofte | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Engestofte | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Engestofte | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Enkelundgarde | 1,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Enlige Garde - Lomborg | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ennebolle | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Envision 3MW prototype | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Erkilstrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Errindlev By - Errindlev | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Ersted By - Aarestrup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Esbjerg Jorde | 8,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Esbjerg Jorde | 8,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Esbjerg Jorde | 9,525 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Esbjerg Jorde | 16,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Eskilstrup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Eskilstrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Esterbolle | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Esterbolle - Særslev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Estrup | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Ettrup | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fabjerg | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Fabjerg | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Fabjerg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fabjerg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fabjerg | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Fabjerg | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Fabjerg | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Faldgarde | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Faldgarde | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Faldgarde | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Falsig | 4,500 6 | Operational | |||||
Falsig | 3,600 6 | Operational | |||||
Falster | 9,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Fandrup | 450 2 | Operational | |||||
Fandrup | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Fanefjord | 180 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fanefjord | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fardrup | 550 1 | Operational | |||||
Fardrup | 550 1 | Operational | |||||
Fardrup | 550 1 | Operational | |||||
Faro | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Farre (Favrskov) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Farre (Favrskov) | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Farre (Vejle) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Farre (Vejle) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Farup | 6,400 2 | Operational | |||||
Farup | 3,200 1 | Operational | |||||
Farupgard | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Fastrup | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fastrup | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fastrup | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Felding | 400 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Feldingbjerg | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Feldingbjerg | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Felsted | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Felsted | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Femern | 400,000 | Planned | |||||
Femern Bugt | 300,000 | Planned | |||||
Fensmark | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fensmark | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fensten | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ferslev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ferslev | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Ferup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Filskov | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Filskov | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Filskov | 5,200 4 | Operational | |||||
Filskov | 6,900 3 | Operational | |||||
Fjaldene | 6,500 13 | Operational | |||||
Fjaltring | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Fjaltring | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Fjaltring | 750 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fjellerad | 500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Fjellerad | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Fjelso | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Fjelso | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Fjelstrup | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Fjelstrup | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Fjenneslev | 450 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Fjerritslev | 400 1 | Operational | |||||
Fjerritslev | 400 1 | Operational | |||||
Fjerritslev | 1,200 3 | Operational | |||||
Flakkebjerg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Flamsted | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Flarup | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Flarup | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Flarup | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Flarup | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Flarup | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Flarup | 600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Flarup | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Flejsborg | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Flejsborg | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Flemlose | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Flemlose | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Flemlose | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Flemlose | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Flemlose | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Flemming | 2,550 3 | Operational | |||||
Flemstofte | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Flensted | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Flintinge | 180 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Floulev | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Floulev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Floutrup | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Floutrup | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Floutrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fly | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Fodby | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Fodby | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Foldby (Favrskov) | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Foldby (Naestved) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Foldby (Naestved) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Foldby (Naestved) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Follenslev | 600 3 | Operational | |||||
Forlev | 4,200 1 | Operational | |||||
Forlev (Skanderborg) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Forlev (Slagelse) | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Forlev (Slagelse) | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Forlev (Slagelse) | 160 1 | Operational | |||||
Forslev (Faxe) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Forslev (Faxe) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Forslev (Naestved) | 550 1 | Operational | |||||
Forslev (Naestved) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Forslev (Naestved) | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Forslev (Naestved) | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Forslev (Naestved) | 550 1 | Operational | |||||
Forslev (Naestved) | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fousing | 8,000 8 | Operational | |||||
Fovling | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Fovling | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fragdrup | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Frankerup | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Fraugde | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Fraugde | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Frederiks | 4,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Frederiks | 2,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Frederiks | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Frederiks | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Frederiks | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Frederiks | 500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Frederiksdal Hgd | 20,700 6 | Operational | |||||
Frederikshaven 2 | 2,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Frederikshaven 3 | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Frederikshaven 4 | 2,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Frederikshavn | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Frederikshavn Nord | 500,000 | Planned | |||||
Frederikshavn Offshore | 2,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Frederikshavn Offshore | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Frederikshavn Offshore | 2,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Frederikshavn Offshore Demo | 72,000 | Approved | |||||
Fredso | 1,700 2 | Operational | |||||
Frejlev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Frejlev - Kettinge | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fremmelev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fremmelev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Freya | 1,500,000 | Planned | |||||
Frolund | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Frolunde - Tarnborg | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Frorup (Kolding) | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Frorup (Kolding) | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Frorup (Nyborg) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Frorup (Nyborg) | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Frorup (Nyborg) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Frorup (Nyborg) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Frorup (Nyborg) | 300 2 | Operational | |||||
Frorup Ejerlaug | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Frorup Ejerlav | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Frorup Ejerlav | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Froslev (Morso) | 1,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Froslev (Morso) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Froslev (Morso) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Froslev (Morso) | 600 3 | Operational | |||||
Froslev (Morso) | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Froslev (Morso) | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Froslev (Stevns) | 3,750 5 | Operational | |||||
Fruering | 450 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Frydendal | 2,700 3 | Operational | |||||
Fræer | 160 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fuglebjerg | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Fuglse | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Fulby | 500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Fur | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Fur | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Furreby | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Furreby | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Futting | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Futting | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Fyrendal | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Fyrendal | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Fyrkilde | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Fyrkilde | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Fæbæk | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Fæbæk | 400 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fæbæk | 300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fæbæk | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fæbæk | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Fæbæk | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fæbæk | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Færgealemarken | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fæsted | 850 1 | Operational | |||||
Fæsted | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Fæsted | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Fæsted | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Fæsted | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Fæsted | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gabol | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gabol | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Galdbjerg | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Galten (Favrskov) | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Galten (Favrskov) | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Galten (Favrskov) | Dismantled | ||||||
Galten (Favrskov) | Dismantled | ||||||
Galten (Skanderborg) | 260 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Galtrup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Galtrup | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Galtrup | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Galtrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Galtrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gamborg | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gammel Vraa Enge | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Gammel Vraa Enge | 9,750 13 | Operational | |||||
Gammelby (Lolland) | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Gammelby (Vejle) | 3,900 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Gammelgard | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Gammelstrup | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Gammelstrup | 500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Gammelstrup | 9,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Gamst | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Gamst | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Gamst | 1,700 2 | Operational | |||||
Gandrup | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ganer | 750 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Ganer | 480 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Gardbo So (Frederikshavn) | 3,750 5 | Operational | |||||
Gardbo So (Frederikshavn) | 3,600 4 | Operational | |||||
Gardbo So (Frederikshavn) | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Gardbo So (Hjorring) | 300 2 | Operational | |||||
Gardejer Peter Bay Knudsen | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Gardstedgard | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Garestrup-Sct Olai | 10,350 3 | Operational | |||||
Garslev | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Gaser | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Gaser | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Gaser | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gasetofte | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gasse | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Gassum | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Gassum | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Gavnø | 1,500 3 | Operational | |||||
Gedbo-Tvis | 9,900 3 | Operational | |||||
Gedesby | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Gedesby | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Gedesby | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Gedesby | 300 2 | Operational | |||||
Gedesby | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Gedsted | 450 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Gejla | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Gejla | 2,640 4 | Operational | |||||
Gejla | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Gejsing | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Gejsing | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Gelsted | 180 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gersdorffslund | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Gert Marcussen Viumvej Roslev | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Gesinge | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Gesinge | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Gesinge-Bjerreby | 900 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Gesten | 1,700 2 | Operational | |||||
Gesten | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Gesten | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Gesten | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Gestengene | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Gestengene | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Gestengene | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Gettrup | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Gettrup | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gettrup | 275 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gettrup | 275 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gettrup | 275 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gettrup 1 | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Gettrup 2 | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Gierslev | 600 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Gilleleje | 210,000 | Planned | |||||
Gilsager | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Gimlinge | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Gimsing | 9,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Gislev | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Gisserbaek | 5,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Give | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Givskud | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Gjerlev | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Gjern | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Gjern | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Gjern | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Gjern | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Gjerndrup | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Gjerndrup | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Gjerrild Bugt | 400,000 | Planned | |||||
Gjersbol | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gjorup | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Gjorup | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gjorup - Uldbjerg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Glatved - Hoed | 400 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Glerup | 2,640 4 | Operational | |||||
Gloslunde | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Glumso | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Goderup | 1,500 3 | Operational | |||||
Gorlev | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Gorlose Sogn | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Gorup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Gotterup | 2,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Gottesgabe Hgd | 14,400 4 | Operational | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 1 | Operational | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 1 | Operational | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 1 | Operational | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 800 2 | Operational | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 1 | Operational | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 800 2 | Operational | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 1 | Operational | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 800 2 | Operational | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 800 2 | Operational | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 1,750 7 | Dismantled | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 30,100 7 | Operational | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 8,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gottrup (Jammerbugt) | 400 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gottrup (Vesthimmerland) | 500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Gottrup (Vesthimmerland) | 250 1 | Operational | |||||
Grahede | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Grahede | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Gram (Haderslev) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Gram (Haderslev) | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Gram (Hedensted) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Gram (Hedensted) | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Gramrode | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Grarup | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Grena | 315,000 | Planned | |||||
Grensten | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Grimmeshave | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Grinderslev | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Grinderslev | 175 1 | Operational | |||||
Grinderslev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Grindlose | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Grindlose | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Grindsted | 6,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Grolsted | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Grolsted | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Grongard | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Grongard | 3,600 1 | Operational | |||||
Gronhede-Volstrup | 4,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Gronnegade | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gronning | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Gronning | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Gronning | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Gronning | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Gronning | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Gronning | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gronning | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gronning | 660 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gronning | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Gronning | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Grundfor | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Grundfor | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Grurup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Grurup | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Grurup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Grurup | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Grurup | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Gryderup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Græshave | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Græshave | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Græshave | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Gudbjerg | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Gudmandstrup | 1,650 3 | Operational | |||||
Gudum (Lemvig) | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Gudum (Lemvig) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Gudum (Lemvig) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Gudum (Lemvig) | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gudum (Slagelse) | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Gudum (Slagelse) | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Gudumbro | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Guldager (Esbjerg) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Guldager (Esbjerg) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Guldager (Esbjerg) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Guldager (Esbjerg) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Guldager (Esbjerg) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Guldager (Hjorring) | 180 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Guldager (Hjorring) | 6,900 2 | Operational | |||||
Guldborgsund | 500,000 | Planned | |||||
Guldborgsund Syd | 500,000 | Planned | |||||
Guldbæk | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Guldforhoved | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Gummersmarke | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Gunderstedgard | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Gunderup (Hjorring) | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Gunderup (Hjorring) | 100 1 | Operational | |||||
Gunderup (Varde) | 1,320 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Gunderup (Varde) | 2,640 4 | Dismantled | |||||
Gundestrup | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Gundestrup | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Gundestrup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Gundslevmagle | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Gundsomagle | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gundtoft | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gundtoft-Gettrup | 12,000 6 | Operational | |||||
Gurreby | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Gydeje-Torslev | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Gyrstinge | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Gyrup | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Gyrup | 1,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Gærup | Dismantled | ||||||
Haals | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Haarby | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Haarby | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Haarby | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Haarby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Haarby | 400 1 | Operational | |||||
Haderis | 2,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Hadrup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hadrup | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Hagendrup | 2,200 4 | Operational | |||||
Hagesholm | 23,000 10 | Operational | |||||
Hagested | 4,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Hagested | 2,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Hagested | 6,900 3 | Operational | |||||
Hagested | 6,900 3 | Operational | |||||
Hajstrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hajstrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Halby | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Halby | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Halby | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Halby | 450 2 | Operational | |||||
Hald | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Haldagerlille | 450 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Haldagerlille | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Haldrup | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Haldum | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Halk | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Hallendrup | 3,600 4 | Operational | |||||
Halling | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Halling | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Halling | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Halling | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hallum | 2,400 4 | Operational | |||||
Hallum | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Hals | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Hals | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Halseby - Tarnborg | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hammelev | 160 1 | Operational | |||||
Hammer | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Hammer | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Hammer | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Hammer | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hampen | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Handest | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Handest | 2,640 4 | Operational | |||||
Handest | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Handest-Glenstrup | 10,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Hanning | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hansted (Horsens) | 180 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hansted (Thisted) | 525 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hansted (Thisted) | 3,600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hanstholm Havn | 1,575 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Hanstholm Havn | 7,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Hanstholm Havn | 3,600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hanstholm Syd | 500,000 | Planned | |||||
Harboore | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Harboore | 675 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Harboore | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Harboore | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Harboore | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Harboore | 6,900 3 | Operational | |||||
Harlev | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Harre | 1,700 2 | Operational | |||||
Harre | 2,550 3 | Operational | |||||
Harre | 850 1 | Operational | |||||
Harre | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Harre | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Harre | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Harres | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Harres | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Harridslev | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Harridslev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Harridslev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Harring | 2,550 3 | Operational | |||||
Harring | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Harring | 400 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Harritslev | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Harslev | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Harup | 2,640 4 | Operational | |||||
Harup | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Haslund | 6,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Hasselo | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Hasselo | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Hasselo | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hassing (Aalborg) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hassing (Aalborg) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hassing (Aalborg) | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Hassing (Aalborg) | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Hassing (Aalborg) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hassing (Aalborg) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hassing (Aalborg) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hassing (Aalborg) | 400 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hassing (Thisted) | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hassing Sogn | 2,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Hasum | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Hasum | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Hasum | 300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hatting | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Havbro | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Havbro | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Haven | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Haverslev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Havervad | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Havervad | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Havervad | 300 2 | Operational | |||||
Havlokke | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Havnelev | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Havrebjerg | 600 3 | Operational | |||||
Havrum | 1,700 2 | Operational | |||||
Hedeby | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hedegaard - Vinding | 300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hedegard | 1,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Hedegard | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Hedegarde | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Heden (Faaborg-Midtfyn) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Heden (Haderslev) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Heden Timring | 12,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Hee | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hee | 6,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Hejls | 1,650 1 | Operational | |||||
Hejls | 2,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Hejls | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Hejninge | 600 3 | Operational | |||||
Hejnsvig | 12,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Hejnsvig | 450 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Hejnsvig | 6,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Helberskov | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Helberskov | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hellerod | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Helletofte | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Hellevad (Aabenraa) | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Hellevad (Aabenraa) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hellevad (Bronderslev) | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hellevad (Bronderslev) | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Helligkilde | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Helligkildegard | 600 2 | Operational | |||||
Helligkildegard | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Helligkildegard | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Helligkildegard | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Helligso | 675 3 | Operational | |||||
Helligso | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Helligso | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Helligso | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Helligso | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Helminggard | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Helsned By | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Heltborg | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Heltborg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Heltborg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Heltborg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hem (DK) | 5,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Hem (DK) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hemmerslev | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Hemmeshoj | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Hemmeshoj | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Hemmeshoj | 1,500 3 | Operational | |||||
Hemmet | 9,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Hemmet | 6,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Hemmet | 21,000 7 | Operational | |||||
Hemmet Præstegard | 18,000 5 | Operational | |||||
Henning | 400 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Herlev | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Herlufmagle | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Herning Jorder | Dismantled | ||||||
Herning Jorder | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Herslev | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Herslev - Lindelse | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Hessel | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hesselballe (Aarhus) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Hesselballe (Hedensted) | 600 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Hesselbjerge | 1,300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hesselmed Hgd | 400 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Hesselmed Hgd | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hevring | 5,250 7 | Operational | |||||
Hillerslev | 5,250 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Hillerslev | 1,750 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hillerslev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hillerslev | 550 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hillerslev | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Hillerslev | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Hillerslev | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Hillerslev | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Hillerslev | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hillerslev | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hillerslev | 28,800 8 | Operational | |||||
Hillerup - Farup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hillested | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hillested | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hillested | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Hillested | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Hillested | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hillested | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hindborg | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Hindborg | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Hindborg | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Hindborg | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Hindborg | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hindborg | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hindkær Garde - Mejrup | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Hindsels | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hindskov | 1,300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hindskov | 600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hinnum | 2,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Hirtshals Havn | 16,800 4 | Operational | |||||
Hirtshals Havn Offshore | 350,000 | Planned | |||||
Hirtshals Havn Syd | 500,000 | Planned | |||||
Hjadstrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hjallerup Fjerding | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hjardemal | 4,500 5 | Operational | |||||
Hjardemal | 900 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hjardemal | 2,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hjardemal | 3,600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hjardemal | 3,450 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hjardemal | 3,600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hjardemal | 8,900 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hjardemal | 4,200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hjardemal | 2,200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hjardemal | 900 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hjardemal klit | 6,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Hjardemal klit | 9,500 1 | Operational | |||||
Hjardemal klit | 6,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Hjardemal klit | 4,200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hjeds | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hjelm | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Hjelmerup | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Hjembæk | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hjembæk | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hjerk | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hjerk | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hjerm | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Hjerm | 450 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Hjermind | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Hjerndrup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hjerpsted | 4,200 7 | Operational | |||||
Hjerpsted | 180 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hjolderup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hjorring Jorder | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Hjorthede | 2,700 3 | Operational | |||||
Hjorthede | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Hjortnaes | 5,250 7 | Operational | |||||
Hjulby | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hjørring | 16,800 4 | Operational | |||||
Hoby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hoby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hoby | 300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hogholt | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Hogholt | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Hogholt | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Hogslund | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Hojby | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Hojby | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Hojelse | 1,500 3 | Operational | |||||
Hojelse | 1,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Hojerup | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Hojerup | 450 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hojmark | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hojrup | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Hojrup | 1,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Hojrup | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Hojrup | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Hojrup-Steppe | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Hojslev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hojsmarke | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Hokkerup | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Hokkerup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hokkerup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Holbol | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hole | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Hollanadsbjerg - Orsted | 300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hollandsbjerg | 16,500 11 | Operational | |||||
Holm (SE) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Holmdrup | 2,550 3 | Operational | |||||
Holme | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Holme | 675 3 | Operational | |||||
Holme | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Holme-Olstrup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Holme-Olstrup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Holmegard | 160 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Holmegard | 160 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Holmegard | 160 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Holmsland Klit | 9,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Holstebro | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Holstebro | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Holsted | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Holte | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Holtug | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Homa | 3,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Homa | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Hondrup | 3,000 5 | Operational | |||||
Hoptrup | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Hoptrup | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Hoptrup | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Horbelev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Horbelev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Horbelev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Horbelev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Horbelev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Horby (Frederikshavn) | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Horby (Holbaek) | 300 2 | Operational | |||||
Horbylund | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Hordum | 3,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Hordum | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hordum | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hordum | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hornby - Tvilum | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hornbæk | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Horne (Faaborg-Midtfyn) | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Horne (Faaborg-Midtfyn) | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Horne (Faaborg-Midtfyn) | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Horne (Faaborg-Midtfyn) | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Horne (Faaborg-Midtfyn) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Horne (Faaborg-Midtfyn) | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Horne (Hjorring) | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Horne (Varde) | 2,550 3 | Operational | |||||
Horns Rev 1 | 160,000 80 | Operational | |||||
Horns Rev 2 | 209,300 91 | Operational | |||||
Horns Rev 3 | 406,700 49 | Operational | |||||
Hornstrup | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Hornum (Hedensted) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Hornum (Hedensted) | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Hornum (Rebild) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Hornum (Rebild) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Horsbyg | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Horsbyg | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Horsens | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Horsens | 400 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Horsens | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Horsens | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Horsens | 4,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Horsens | 11,500 5 | Operational | |||||
Horslund | 7,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Horslunde | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Horslunde | 550 1 | Operational | |||||
Horsted | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Horsted | 450 2 | Operational | |||||
Horup | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Hostrup (Herning) | 6,500 5 | Operational | |||||
Hostrup (Tonder) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Hove (Lemvig) | 900 4 | Operational | |||||
Hove (Lemvig) | 675 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Hove (Lemvig) | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Hove (Lemvig) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hove (Slagelse) | 400 2 | Operational | |||||
Hove Skov | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hovedgard (Hedensted) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hovedgard (Hedensted) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hovedgard (Hedensted) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hovedgard (Herning) | 1,700 2 | Operational | |||||
Hovedgard (Herning) | 850 1 | Operational | |||||
Hovedgard (Langeland) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hovedgard (Lemvig) | 3,600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hovedgard (Lemvig) | 2,500 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hovedgard (Lemvig) | 2,300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hovedgard (Lemvig) | 4,200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hovedgard (Skive) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hover | 400 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Hovsore Enge - Fjaltring | 3,300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hovsore Enge - Fjaltring | 8,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Hullebæk | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Humble | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Humlum | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hundborg | 2,400 4 | Operational | |||||
Hundborg | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Hundborg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hundborg | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Hundborg | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hundborg | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hundborg | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hundborg | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Hundelev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hundelev-Jelstrup | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hundsbæk Hovedgard | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Hundsbæk Hovedgard | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Hundsbæk Hovedgard | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Hunstrup | 3,500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Hunstrup | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Hurup | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Husby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Husted | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Husum-Ballum | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hvam (Holstebro) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Hvam (Holstebro) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Hvam (Vesthimmerland) | 12,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Hvarre | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hvejsel | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hvidbjerg (Morso) | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Hvidbjerg (Morso) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Hvidbjerg (Morso) | 450 2 | Operational | |||||
Hvidbjerg (Morso) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Hvidbjerg (Skive) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Hvidbjerg (Skive) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Hvidbjerg (Skive) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Hvidbjerg (Struer) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Hvidbjerg (Struer) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hvidbjerg (Struer) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hvidbjerg (Struer) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hvidbjerg (Thisted) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hvidbjerg (Thisted) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hviding | 4,500 3 | Operational | |||||
Hviding | 3,900 3 | Operational | |||||
Hvilsom | 6,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Hvilsted | 250 1 | Operational | |||||
Hvinderup | 850 1 | Operational | |||||
Hvolgard | 350 2 | Operational | |||||
Hygum (Esbjerg) | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hygum (Vejen) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Hyllede | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hyllerslev | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Hyllerup | 180 1 | Operational | |||||
Hyllested | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Hyllestedgard | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Hyllinge | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Hyrup | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Høgsted By | 10,350 3 | Operational | |||||
Idestrup | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Idestrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Idestrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Idestrup | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Idom | 2,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Idom | 3,750 5 | Operational | |||||
Idom | 3,450 1 | Operational | |||||
Idskov Fjerings | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ikast-Brande | 12,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Ilbjerg | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Ildved | 1,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Ildved | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Ildved Sogn | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Iller | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ilshoj-Torslev | 14,000 7 | Operational | |||||
Ilskov | 2,700 3 | Operational | |||||
Indslev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Indslev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Ingstrup | 400 2 | Operational | |||||
Ingstrup | 400 2 | Operational | |||||
Ingstrup | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Ingstrup | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Jammerland Bugt | 240,000 | Planned | |||||
Janderup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Jebjerg | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Jebjerg | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Jebjerg | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Jebjerg | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Jeerrig | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Jegerup | 4,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Jejsing | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Jejsing | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Jejsing | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Jejsing | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Jennum by - Spentrup | 3,750 5 | Operational | |||||
Jens Jepsen Jorgens Roslev | 6,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Jens Peter Nannerup Sallingsundvej Roslev | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Jenslev | 1,125 5 | Operational | |||||
Jenstrup | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Jernlose | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Jerslev | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Jerup | 270 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Jestrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Jetsmark | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Jetsmark | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Jonstrup | 300 2 | Operational | |||||
Jonstrup | 300 2 | Operational | |||||
Jonstrup | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Jordlose | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Jordlose | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Jorsby | 400 2 | Operational | |||||
Juellingsholm | 850 1 | Operational | |||||
Juellingsholm | 2,550 3 | Operational | |||||
Junget | 1,700 2 | Operational | |||||
Junget | 600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Junget | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Junget | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Junget | 175 1 | Operational | |||||
Jyderup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Jyndevad | 12,000 8 | Operational | |||||
Jyske Banke Nord | 1,050,000 | Planned | |||||
Kalbygard | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Kalbygard-Lasby | 3,600 1 | Operational | |||||
Kaldal | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kalhave | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Kalhave | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Kallerup | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Kallerup | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kallerup | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kallerup | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kalstrup - Mejlby | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kappel (DK) | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Kappel (DK) | 300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kappel (DK) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Kappel (DK) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Karise | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Karlslunde | 900 3 | Operational | |||||
Karlslunde | 360 2 | Operational | |||||
Karmisholt | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Karrebæk | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kaslunde | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kaslunde | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kasso | 850 1 | Operational | |||||
Kasso | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Kasso | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Kasso | 2,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Kasso | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Kasso | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Kasso | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Kasso | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Kastager | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Kastager | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Kastager | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Kastbjerg | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Kastbjerg | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Kastbjerg | 155 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kastbjerg | 155 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kastrup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Kastrup | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Kastrup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Kastrup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Kastrup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Kastrup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Kastrup Holbaek | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Kastvra | 5,000 5 | Operational | |||||
Kathrine Ostergard Nielsen Norlykke | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Katterod | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Katterod | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kavslunde | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kavslunde | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kegnæs | 450 1 | Operational | |||||
Keldby | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Kelstrup (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 9,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Kelstrup (Slagelse) | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Kerte | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Kerte | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Kerte | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Kerte | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kertinge | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kettinge | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Kettinge | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Kettrup | 9,200 4 | Operational | |||||
Kettrup | 2,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Kibæk | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Kibæk | 1,500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Kibæk | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Kibæk | 850 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kibæk-Assing | 9,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Kiddegard | 4,500 6 | Operational | |||||
Kidmose Gde | 6,400 2 | Operational | |||||
Kielstrup | 300 2 | Operational | |||||
Kippinge | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kippinge | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Kirke Helsinge | 500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Kirke Hyllinge | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Kirke Saby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Kirke Stillinge | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Kirke-Helsinge | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Kirke-Helsinge | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Kirkeby (Esbjerg) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kirkeby (Guldborgsund) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kirkeby (Guldborgsund) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kirkeby (Skive) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kirkeby (Skive) | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Kirkerup | 180 1 | Operational | |||||
Kirsten & Knud Boeck | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kissendrup | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Kjelst | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kjelst | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kjelstryp | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Kjemtrup | 3,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Klarup | 4,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Klarup | 2,750 1 | Operational | |||||
Klarup | 160 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Klarup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Klattrup | 6,000 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Klejnstrup | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Klejs | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Klejtrup | 6,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Klemensker | 2,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Klim | 13,200 22 | Dismantled | |||||
Klim | 750 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Klim | 7,800 13 | Dismantled | |||||
Klim Fjordholme | Dismantled | ||||||
Klim Fjordholme | 48,000 15 | Operational | |||||
Klintebjerg | 585,000 | Planned | |||||
Klinteby | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Klinteby | 250 1 | Operational | |||||
Klinteby | 750 3 | Operational | |||||
Klinteby | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kliplev | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Kliplev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Klitgaard | 5,000 5 | Operational | |||||
Klojing | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Kloster | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Klotrup | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Klovby | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Klovtoft | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Klovtoft | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Klæstrup | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Knebel | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Knorborg | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Knorborg | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Knubbelokke | 450 1 | Operational | |||||
Knubbelykke - Kappel | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Knude Huse | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Knudsbol | 5,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Knudsker | 1,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Knudsker | 2,400 3 | Operational | |||||
Kobbero | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Kobbero | 450 2 | Operational | |||||
Kobbero | 675 3 | Operational | |||||
Kobbero | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kobbero | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kobbero | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kobelev | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Kobelev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Kobelev | 600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kobelev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Kobelev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Kobelev | 7,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Kobenhoved | 2,550 3 | Operational | |||||
Kobenhoved | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Kobenhoved | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kokborg | 1,300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kokspang | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Koldby | 7,800 13 | Operational | |||||
Koldby | 400 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Koldby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Kollerod | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Kollerod | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Kollerod | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kondrup | 3,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Kong | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kong | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Kongemarken | 180 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kongsted | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Korning | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Korsnakke | 20,700 6 | Operational | |||||
Kragelund | 1,500 1 | Operational | |||||
Kragelund | 1,500 1 | Operational | |||||
Kraghedens Vestlige | 12,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Krarup | 550 1 | Operational | |||||
Krarup | 1,100 2 | Operational | |||||
Krarup - Vabensted | 1,100 2 | Operational | |||||
Krarup - Vabensted | 550 1 | Operational | |||||
Krejbjerg | 600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Krejbjerg | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Krejbjerg | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Krejbjerg | 500 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Krejbjerg | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Krejbjerg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Krejbjerg | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Krejbjerg | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Krejbjerg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Krejbjerg | 600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kriegers Flak | 605,000 72 | Operational | |||||
Krog | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Krog | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Krog | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Krogsbolle | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Krogsgard | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Krogsgarde (Esbjerg) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Krogsgarde (Samso) | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Krogstrup (Frederikssund) | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Krogstrup (Vesthimmerland) | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Krogstrup (Vesthimmerland) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Krogstrup (Vesthimmerland) | 9,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Krummerup | 1,800 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Krummerup | 9,200 4 | Operational | |||||
Krusbjerg-Sunds | 10,000 5 | Operational | |||||
Kulby | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Kulby | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Kulby-Finderup | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Kumled | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Kumled | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Kundby | 2,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Kundby | 4,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Kvislemark | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Kvisselholtgard - Dronninglund | 6,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Kvong | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Kvorning | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kvorning | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kvændrup | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Kvændrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kværkeby | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Kyndby | 3,780 21 | Dismantled | |||||
Kyndby | 1,200 3 | Operational | |||||
Kædeby | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Kærbyholm | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Kærgaardsholm Hgd | 2,700 3 | Operational | |||||
Kærgard - Dejbjerg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Kærup | 450 3 | Operational | |||||
Kølbygard | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ladegaard | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Laeso | 540,000 | Planned | |||||
Lagerup-Bregninge | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Lamdrup | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Lammefjorden (Holbaek) | 8,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Lammefjorden (Odsherred) | 1,500 3 | Operational | |||||
Lammefjorden - Gislinge | 2,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Landeby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Landeby | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Landeby | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Landeby | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Landeby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Landeby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Landet (Lolland) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Landet (Lolland) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Landet (Lolland) | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Landet (Svendborg) | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Landet (Svendborg) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Landet-Ryde-Hojreby | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Langa (DK) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Langa (DK) | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Langa (DK) | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Langelund | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Langelund | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Langeslund | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Langkastrup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Langkastrup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Langkær | 300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Langskov | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Langsted | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Langsted | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Lasby | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Lasby | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Laurbjerg | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Laurbjerg | 3,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Lee | 3,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Lejbolle - Bostrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lejbolle - Bostrup | 6,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Lekkende | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Lekkende | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Lem | 24,000 8 | Operational | |||||
Lem | 660 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lem | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lem | 3,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lem | 660 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lem | 3,600 1 | Operational | |||||
Lem | 2,600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lem | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Lem (Skive) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Lem (Skive) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Lendum | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Lendum | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Lendum | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Lergrav Hdg | 3,600 1 | Operational | |||||
Lerte | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Levring | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Levring | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Levring | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Li Norlund | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Li Norlund | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Li Norlund | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Li Norlund | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Lihme | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lihme | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Lille Emmerske | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Lille Karleby | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Lille Linde | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Lillebælt-Syd (Lillegrund) | 160,000 | Planned | |||||
Lime | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lindbjerg | 3,000 5 | Operational | |||||
Lindbjerggard Hgd | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Linde | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Lindelse | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Linderup | 4,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Lindet | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Lindholt | 2,640 4 | Operational | |||||
Lindknud | 3,600 4 | Operational | |||||
Lindum | Dismantled | ||||||
Lindum | Dismantled | ||||||
Lindum Vindmollepark | 9,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Ljorslev | 2,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Ljorslev | 2,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Lodderup | 2,550 3 | Operational | |||||
Lodderup | 175 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lodderup | 175 1 | Operational | |||||
Logsted | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Logsted | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Logsted | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Logsted | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Logumgarde | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Logumkloster | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Lojtofte | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Lolland | 253,000 | Planned | |||||
Lolland Syd | 260,000 | Planned | |||||
Lomborg | 3,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Lomborg | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Lomborg | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Lomborg | 900 3 | Operational | |||||
Lomborg | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Lomborg | 300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lomborg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lona | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Lona | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Longelse | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Loserup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Love | 2,550 3 | Operational | |||||
Lumby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Lund - Lyderslev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lund og Bjerget Byer | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lundager | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Lundby (Aalborg) | 1,000 4 | Dismantled | |||||
Lundby (Aalborg) | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lundby (Guldborgsund) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Lundby (Guldborgsund) | 550 1 | Operational | |||||
Lundby (Guldborgsund) | 550 1 | Operational | |||||
Lundby (Guldborgsund) | 550 1 | Operational | |||||
Lundby (Guldborgsund) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lundby (Slagelse) | 250 1 | Operational | |||||
Lundby (Svendborg) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Lundby (Vordingborg) | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lundby (Vordingborg) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lundby (Vordingborg) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lundby (Vordingborg) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lunderup | 120 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lunderup | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Lundforlund | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lundgarde | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Lunding | 1,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Lundtang | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Lyby | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lyby | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lyby | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Lyderslev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lyndelse | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Lyndelse | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Lyngballegard Hgd | 2,640 4 | Operational | |||||
Lyngby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Lyngby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Lyngerup | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Lyngs | 3,000 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Lyngs | 15,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Lysegrund | 550,000 | Planned | |||||
Lystrup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Lystrup | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Løjtved Hovedgd | 2,700 3 | Operational | |||||
Lønborggard | Dismantled | ||||||
Lønborggard | Dismantled | ||||||
Lønborggard | 3,600 1 | Operational | |||||
Made | 1,200 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Made | 600 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Made | 1,000 5 | Dismantled | |||||
Made | 750 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Made | 750 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Made | 2,400 4 | Dismantled | |||||
Made | 16,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Madum | 400 1 | Operational | |||||
Maglebrænde | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Magleby | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Magleby | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Magleby | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Magleby | 1,200 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Maglemer-Hunseby | 6,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Maglemer-Hunseby | 3,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Magstrup | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Magstrup | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Majbolle | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Maltbæk | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Maltbæk | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Mammen | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Mammen | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Manstrup | 500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Maribo | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Marslev | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Marslev | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Mastrup | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Maugstrup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Maugstrup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Maugstrup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Mausing | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Meelse | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Mejlby (Aarhus) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Mejlby (Aarhus) | 450 3 | Operational | |||||
Mejlby (Randers) | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Mejlby (Vejen) | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Mejlby (Vejen) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Mejlby (Vejen) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Mejls | 450 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Mejrup | 2,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Mejrup | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Mejrup | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Mejrup | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Mejrup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Melkær | 180 1 | Operational | |||||
Melkær | 180 1 | Operational | |||||
Mellemby | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Mellerup | 2,400 4 | Operational | |||||
Mellerup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Mellerup | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Melsted | Dismantled | ||||||
Melsted | Dismantled | ||||||
Menstrup | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Menstrup | 750 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Mern | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Mesing | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Mesing | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Middelgrunden | 40,000 20 | Operational | |||||
Mintebjerg | 2,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Mintebjerg Hørup | 2,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Mjels (Aalborg) | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Mjels (Sonderborg) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Moborg | 9,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Moborg | 3,750 5 | Dismantled | |||||
Moborg | 1,800 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Moborg | 1,200 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Moborg | 16,500 5 | Operational | |||||
Moderup | 1,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Mojbol | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Molgard | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Mollerup (Morso) | 1,700 2 | Operational | |||||
Mollerup (Silkeborg) | 3,600 1 | Operational | |||||
Mollerup (Tonder) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Moltrup Hovedgaard | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Monge | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Monstrup | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Morsbol | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Morsbol | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Morum | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Morum | 1,100 2 | Operational | |||||
Morum | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Morup Molle | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Mosbol | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Mostrup Gde-Hald | 12,000 6 | Operational | |||||
Mou | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Mullerup (Nyborg) | 1,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Mullerup (Nyborg) | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Mullerup (Svendborg) | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Mullerup (Svendborg) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Mulstrup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Musse | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Mygdal | 3,960 6 | Operational | |||||
Myrhoj | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Nagbol | 1,700 2 | Operational | |||||
Nagelsti | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Nakke | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Nautrup | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Nautrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Nautrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Nautrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Nautrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Navr | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Nebbelunde | 4,400 8 | Operational | |||||
Nebbelunde | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Neble | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Neder Julianehede | 1,700 2 | Operational | |||||
Nees | 6,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Nees | 1,500 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Nees | 9,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Nees | 10,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Nees | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Nees | 1,500 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Nim | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Nissum (Holstebro) | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Nissum (Lemvig) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Nissum (Lemvig) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Nissum (Lemvig) | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Nissum (Skive) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Nissum Bredning | 28,000 4 | Operational | |||||
No | 6,900 3 | Operational | |||||
No | 23,100 7 | Operational | |||||
Noddelund | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Noddelund | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Nodentoftgarde | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Nojsomhed | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Nollund | 4,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Norby (DK) | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Nordby | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Norddjurs | 650,000 | Planned | |||||
Nordenbro | 1,500 1 | Operational | |||||
Nordenbro | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Nordenbro | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Nordenbro-Magleby | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Nordentoft Garde | 450 2 | Operational | |||||
Nordentoft Garde | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Nordjyllandsvaerket | 8,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Nordre Flint | 160,000 | Planned | |||||
Nordrup | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Norhalne | 300 2 | Operational | |||||
Norhede | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Norhede | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Norhede | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Norhede | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Norholm | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Norre Alslev | 180 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Norre Alslev | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Norre Galten Mollelav | 400 2 | Operational | |||||
Norre Kirkeby | 450 1 | Operational | |||||
Norre Kongerslev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Norre Logum | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Norre Okse So | 15,750 21 | Operational | |||||
Norre Okse So | 750 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Norre Okse So | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Norre Vognbjerg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Norre-Orslev | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Norrekær Enge (Aalborg) | 12,600 42 | Dismantled | |||||
Norrekær Enge (Vesthimmerland) | 3,770 29 | Dismantled | |||||
Norrekær Enge (Vesthimmerland) | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Nortarp | 1,320 4 | Operational | |||||
Nortarp | 2,640 4 | Operational | |||||
Nortarp | 2,640 4 | Operational | |||||
Nortorp Ræhr | 500 5 | Dismantled | |||||
Nortvig | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Norup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Norup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Norup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Notten | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Notten | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Notten | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Notten | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Novling Sogn | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Novrup | 755 1 | Operational | |||||
Nr. Logum | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Nr. Logum | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Nr. Logum | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Nr. Logum | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Nr. Logum | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Nr. Logum | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Nr. Vollum | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Nr. Ønlev | 660 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Nr. Ønlev | 660 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Nr. Ønlev | 660 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Nr.Omme (Herning) | 1,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Nr.Omme (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Nr.Omme (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 1,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Nr.Thise | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Nybolle | 4,200 1 | Operational | |||||
Nybolle (Faaborg-Midtfyn) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Nybolle (Lolland) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Nybolle (Lolland) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Nyborg | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Nyborg | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Nyker | 260 2 | Operational | |||||
Nyker | 4,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Nykirke | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Nykirke | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Nymark | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Nyrup (Aalborg) | 3,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Nyrup (Vesthimmerland) | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Nysogn | 9,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Nysted | 4,500 6 | Operational | |||||
Nysted Offshore | 165,600 72 | Operational | |||||
Næsbjerg (Varde) | 5,400 6 | Operational | |||||
Næsbjerg (Varde) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Næsbjerg (Varde) | 10,350 3 | Operational | |||||
Næsbjerg (Varde) | 10,350 3 | Operational | |||||
Næsbjerg (Vesthimmerland) | 600 2 | Operational | |||||
Næsby | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Næsby | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Næstelso | 160 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Næstrup | 450 2 | Operational | |||||
Nørrekær Enge - Farstrup | 13,800 6 | Operational | |||||
Nørrekær Enge - Næsborg | 2,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Nørrekær Enge - Næsborg | 2,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Nørrekær Enge - Næsborg | 9,200 4 | Operational | |||||
Nørrekær Enge - Næsborg | 2,300 1 | Operational | |||||
O. Vandet | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
O.Jolby | 850 1 | Operational | |||||
O.Jolby | 850 1 | Operational | |||||
O.Jolby | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Obdrup | 3,000 5 | Operational | |||||
Oddense | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Oddense | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Oddense | 300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Oddense | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Odin (DK) | 2,250,000 | Planned | |||||
Odum | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Oksenbjerge | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Oksenbjerge | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Oksendrup | 5,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Oksendrup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Oksendrup | 450 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Okslund | 3,900 3 | Operational | |||||
Okslund | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Ollingsogard hdg | 3,600 1 | Operational | |||||
Olsker | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Olsted | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Olsted | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Olsted | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Olstrup | 1,750 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Olstrup | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Olstrup | 400 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Olstrup | 600 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Omme (Billund) | 400 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Omme (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 6,500 13 | Operational | |||||
Ommestrup | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Omo Syd | 320,000 | Planned | |||||
Omvra | 2,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Onslev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Onslev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Onsved | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Opager | 3,600 1 | Operational | |||||
Oppelstrup | 3,750 5 | Operational | |||||
Oppelstrup | 3,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Oppelstrup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Oppelstrup | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Orby (DK) | 2,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Orbæk (Nyborg) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Orbæk (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Orbæk (Vesthimmerland) | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Orbæk (Vesthimmerland) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Orbæk (Vesthimmerland) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Ording | 3,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Ording | 2,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Ormeslev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Orndrup | 600 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Orndrup | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Ornebjerg | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Orslev (Kalundborg) | 18,000 6 | Operational | |||||
Orslev (Ringsted) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Orslev (Vordingborg) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Orslev Under Skoven | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Orslevkloster | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Orso | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Orso Fjerding | 400 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Orsted (Aalborg) | 300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Orsted (Haderslev) | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Orsted (Norddjurs) | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Orsted (Norddjurs) | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Orsted (Norddjurs) | 3,900 30 | Dismantled | |||||
Orsted (Norddjurs) | 300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Orsted (Roskilde) | 1,198 2 | Operational | |||||
Orten | 2,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Orten.Varde by | 4,950 3 | Operational | |||||
Orum (Hedensted) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Orum (Skive) | 300 2 | Operational | |||||
Orum (Thisted) | 3,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Orum (Thisted) | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Orum (Thisted) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Osby | 2,400 3 | Operational | |||||
Oslos | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Oster Egesborg | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Oster Egesborg | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Oster Gammelby | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Oster Gammelby | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Oster Gammelby | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Oster Gasse | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Oster Gasse | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Oster Gasse | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Oster Gasse | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Oster Gasse | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Oster Hjermitslev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Oster Hjermitslev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Oster Hojst | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Oster Lem | 3,500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Oster Lem | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Oster Lem | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Oster Lem By | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Oster Terp | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Oster Ulslev | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Osterby (Lolland) | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Osterby (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 1,350 6 | Operational | |||||
Osterby (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 450 2 | Operational | |||||
Osterby (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Osterby (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Osterby (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Osterby (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Osterby (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Osterby (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Osterby (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Osterby (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Osterby (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Osterby (Struer) | 3,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Ostergard (Holstebro) | 3,300 2 | Operational | |||||
Ostergard (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Ostergard (Vesthimmerland) | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Ostergard (Vesthimmerland) | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Osterild | 6,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Osterild | 4,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Osterild | 8,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Osterild | 7,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Osterild | 7,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Osterild | 8,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Osterild | 8,600 1 | Operational | |||||
Osterild | 11,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Osterild | 14,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Osterild | 3,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Osterild | 15,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Osterild | 14,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Osterladen | 2,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Ostermarie | 1,575 7 | Dismantled | |||||
Ostjysk Vindudvikling | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ostofte | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Ostofte | 2,400 4 | Operational | |||||
Ostofte | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Ostofte | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Ostrind | 6,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Ostrup-Saltum | 13,200 4 | Operational | |||||
Ostrup-Saltum | 6,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Otterup | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Otterup | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Otting | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Otting | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Otting | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Otting | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Oure | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Oustrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Outrup | 100 1 | Operational | |||||
Outrup | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Outrup | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Outrup | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Over Isen | 300 2 | Operational | |||||
Over Isen | 450 3 | Operational | |||||
Over Isen | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Overby | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Overdorf fjerding - Dronninglund | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Overgard Hgd | 57,600 16 | Operational | |||||
Overgard Hgd | 7,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Overgard Hgd | 14,400 4 | Operational | |||||
Ovtrup | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Parup-Ostofte | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Pederstrup | 1,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Pederstrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Permelille | 2,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Perregarde | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Pilet | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Pilet | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Pilet | 400 1 | Operational | |||||
Pilet | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Pisselhoj | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Pisselhoj | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Poulstrup | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Præstbro Albæk | 160 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Præstbro Albæk | 160 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rakkeby | 3,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Rakkeby | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Ramme | 8,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Ramme | 1,200 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Ramme | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ramme | 4,200 7 | Dismantled | |||||
Ramme | 8,000 4 | Dismantled | |||||
Ramme | 2,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ramme | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ramme | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ramme | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ramme | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ramme | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ramme | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ramme | 2,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Ramme | 2,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Ramme | 16,500 5 | Operational | |||||
Ramme | 3,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Randerup | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Randerup | 180 1 | Operational | |||||
Randerup | 160 1 | Operational | |||||
Randerup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rarup | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rarup | 1,500 3 | Operational | |||||
Rast | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Rasted | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Rasted | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Ravnholt | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Ravnholt | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Ravnholt | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Ravnholt | 450 3 | Operational | |||||
Ravning | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Ravning | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ravning | 1,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Ravning | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ravnsbjerg | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Redso | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Redsted | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Redsted | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Redsted | 6,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Reerslev | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Reerslev | 500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Refs | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Refs | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Refs | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Refs | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Refsvindige | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Rejsby | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Rejsby | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Rejsby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Rejsby | 300 2 | Operational | |||||
Rejsby | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Rejsby-Ballum | 9,600 16 | Operational | |||||
Rejsby-Ballum | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Remme | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Render | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Rens | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Resen (Skive) | Dismantled | ||||||
Resen (Skive) | Dismantled | ||||||
Resen (Struer) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Restrup | 750 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Revso | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Rifbjerg | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Rifbjerg - Simmerbølle | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ringe | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Ringive | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Ringive | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Ringstrup | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rise | 600 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Risemark | 6,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Riserup | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Risum | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Risum | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rodby Fjord | 7,200 8 | Dismantled | |||||
Rodby Fjord | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rodby Fjord-Tirsted | 37,950 11 | Operational | |||||
Rodby Markjorder | 6,000 8 | Operational | |||||
Rodby Markjorder | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Rodby Markjorder | 1,500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Rodby Markjorder | 2,200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rodby Markjorder | 1,500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Rodbyfjord - Vejleby | 600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rodding | 3,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Rodsand II | 207,000 90 | Operational | |||||
Roerslev (Middelfart) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Roerslev (Nordfyn) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Roerslev (Nordfyn) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Roerslev (Nordfyn) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Rogild | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Rogild | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Rogild | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Rogild | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Rogild | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Rogild | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Roholte | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Rold | 180 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rold | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Rolfsted | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Rollum | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Rollum | 900 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rollum | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Rolokke | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Rolokke | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rolokke | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Rom | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Rom | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Rom | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Rom | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Rom | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Romo | 500,000 | Planned | |||||
Romviggarde | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Ronbjerg | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ronkildegard | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Ronslunde | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Roost | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Roost | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Roost | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Roost | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Rorbæk (Rebild) | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Rorbæk (Vejle) | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Rorgard | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Rorkær | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Roslev | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Roslev | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Roslev | 175 1 | Operational | |||||
Rosmus | 300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rosmus | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rousthoje | 750 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rousthoje | 1,500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Rousthoje | 750 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rousthoje | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Rousthoje | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Rousthoje-Grimstrup | 13,800 4 | Operational | |||||
Roved | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Roved | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Rudkobing | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Ruds Vedby | 1,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Ruds Vedby | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Ruds Vedby | 550 1 | Operational | |||||
Rugsted | 3,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Rugsted | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Rutsker | 675 3 | Operational | |||||
Rutsker | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Rutsker | 3,900 3 | Operational | |||||
Rutsker | 5,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Rutsker | 675 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Rya | 7,500 5 | Operational | |||||
Rybjerg | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rybjerg | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Rybjerg | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Rybjerg | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Rybjerg | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Rybjerg | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Rybjerg | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Rybjerg | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Rybjerg | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rybjerg | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rydhave | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Rydhave | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Rysensten Hovedgard-Bovling | 4,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rysensten Hovedgard-Bovling | 6,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rysensten Hovedgard-Bovling | 2,300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rysensten Hovedgard-Bovling | 2,200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rysensten Hovedgard-Bovling | 3,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rysensten Hovedgard-Bovling | 2,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Rysensten Hovedgard-Bovling | 2,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Rysensten Hovedgard-Bovling | 5,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Ræhr | 4,200 7 | Operational | |||||
Ræhr | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Rærup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Rærup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Rønland | 8,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Rønland | 9,200 4 | Operational | |||||
Sahl | 6,900 3 | Operational | |||||
Sakskobing Markjorde | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Salby | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Salby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Saldrup | 3,750 5 | Operational | |||||
Sall | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Sall | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Salling Entreprenørfirma AS Roslev | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Sallinge | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Sallinge | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Sallinge | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Salto Hgd | 10,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Saltum | 4,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Samso | 20,700 9 | Operational | |||||
Samso | 2,300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Samso | 2,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Sandager - Dejbjerg | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Sandager - Dejbjerg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sandbjerg | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Sandby (Favrskov) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Sandby (Favrskov) | 1,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Sandby (Holbaek) | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Sandby (Holbaek) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Sandby (Lolland) | 6,600 4 | Operational | |||||
Sandby (Lolland) | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Sandby (Lolland) | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Sandby (Naestved) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Sandby (Naestved) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Sandby L | 8,400 2 | Operational | |||||
Sdr - Felding | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Sdr. Bork | 9,000 15 | Operational | |||||
Sdr. Bork | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Sdr. Jernlose | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Sdr. Jernlose | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Sdr. Onlev | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Sdr. Saltum | 6,000 10 | Operational | |||||
Sdr. Saltum | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Sdr. Saltum | 450 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Sdr. Saltum | 450 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Seggelund | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Seggelund | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Sejerslev | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Sejerslev | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sejerslev | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sejerslev | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sejrup | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Sejstrup | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Sekær | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Sekær | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Selde | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Selde | 450 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Semb | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Sennels | 2,700 3 | Operational | |||||
Sennels | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Sentved | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Sentved | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Sevel | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Sidinge | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Sidinge | 180 1 | Operational | |||||
Sigersted | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Sigersted | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Sillesthoved | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Simested | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Simmerbolle | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Simmerbolle | 600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Simmersted | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Simmersted | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Sindal | Dismantled | ||||||
Sindbjerg (Hedensted) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Sindbjerg (Morso) | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Sindbjerghovedgards Indmark | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Sindholt | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Sinding (Herning) | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sinding (Silkeborg) | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sindrup | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sindrup | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sir | 1,650 1 | Operational | |||||
Sir | 1,650 1 | Operational | |||||
Sjolund | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Sjolund | 850 1 | Operational | |||||
Sjorring | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sjorring | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sjorup (Vesthimmerland) | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sjorup (Viborg) | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sjostrup | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Sjælstofte | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sjælstofte | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skafterup | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Skagen | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Skagen Markjorder | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Skagen Markjorder | 220 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skagen Markjorder | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skallerup | 3,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Skallerup | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skalstrup - Nees | 3,000 5 | Operational | |||||
Skalstrup - Nees | 500 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skalstrup - Nees | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Skanderborg | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Skanderborg | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Skarp Salling | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Skarp Salling | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Skarp Salling | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skarp Salling | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Skartved | 450 3 | Operational | |||||
Skarum | 3,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Skarup (Svendborg) | 2,700 3 | Operational | |||||
Skarup (Thisted) | 450 2 | Operational | |||||
Skarup (Thisted) | 450 2 | Operational | |||||
Skarup (Thisted) | Dismantled | ||||||
Skarup (Thisted) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skast | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Skast | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Skattebolle | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Skelby | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Skelby | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Skelby | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Skelby F | 450 1 | Operational | |||||
Skelby F | 450 1 | Operational | |||||
Skelde | 2,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Skellet | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Skerne | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skerne | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skerninge | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skibelund | 160 1 | Operational | |||||
Skibinge | 1,100 2 | Operational | |||||
Skibinge | 550 1 | Operational | |||||
Skibsby | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Skibsted | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skibsted | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skindbjerg | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Skinnerup | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Skinnerup | 675 3 | Operational | |||||
Skinnerup | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Skinnerup | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skjellerup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Skjerk | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Skjerk | 2,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Skjoldborg | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Skjoldborg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skjoldborg | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Skjoldborg | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skjoldborg | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skjoldborg | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skjoldborg | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skodborg | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Skodborg | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Skodegard | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Skodsebolle | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Skodsebolle | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Skodsebolle | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Skodsebolle | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Skodsebolle | 7,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Skorbæk | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skorpinge | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skorpinge | Dismantled | ||||||
Skovbolle | 2,400 4 | Operational | |||||
Skovbolle | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Skovbolle-Kobelev | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Skovby | 4,200 7 | Operational | |||||
Skovgarde | 5,200 4 | Operational | |||||
Skrobelev | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Skrobelev | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Skrobelev | 2,640 4 | Operational | |||||
Skrobelev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Skrobelev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Skrobelev | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Skrobelev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Skuderlose | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Skuldbol | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Skuldbol | 2,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Skuldbol Hemmet | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Skærbæk | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Skærbæk | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Skærbæk | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Skærlund | 600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skærlund | 3,150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Skærlund | 4,200 1 | Operational | |||||
Skærum | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Skærum | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Skæve | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Skævlund | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Sludstrup | 400 2 | Operational | |||||
Sludstrup | 160 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Smerup (Faxe) | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Smerup (Faxe) | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Smerup (Struer) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Smerup (Struer) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Smerup (Struer) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Smidie | 180 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Smidstrup (Hjorring) | 3,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Smidstrup (Vejle) | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Smidstrup (Vejle) | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Smollerup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Smollerup | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Snedsted | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Snedsted | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Snejbjerg | 450 3 | Operational | |||||
Snejbjerg | 320 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Snekkerup | 180 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Snesere | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Sneslev | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sneslev | 130 1 | Operational | |||||
Sneslev | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Sneslev | 1,650 1 | Operational | |||||
Sneslev | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sneslev - Forslev | 160 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Snode | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Snode | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Snæbum | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Snæbum | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Soby (Aero) | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Soby (Faaborg-Midtfyn) | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Soby (Faaborg-Midtfyn) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Soby (Faaborg-Midtfyn) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Soby (Faaborg-Midtfyn) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Soby (Norddjurs) | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Soby (Norddjurs) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Soby (Svendborg) | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Soby (Syddjurs) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Soby (Syddjurs) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Sodover | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Sodring | 11,500 5 | Operational | |||||
Soften | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Sogard | 2,925 13 | Dismantled | |||||
Sogard | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sogard Ejerlav | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Sogard Hgd-Nysogn | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Sogard Hgd-Nysogn | 12,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Sogard Hovedgard | 850 1 | Operational | |||||
Sogard Hovedgard | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Solbjerg (Kalundborg) | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Solbjerg (Morso) | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Solbjerg (Morso) | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Solds | 14,400 4 | Operational | |||||
Sollinge | 1,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Solrod | 600 2 | Operational | |||||
Solsted | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Solsted | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sommersted | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Sommersted | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Sommersted | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sondbjerg | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Sondenbro | 3,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Sondenbro | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Sondenbro-Magleby | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sondenbro-Magleby | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Sonder-Bjerge | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sonder-Kirkeby | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Sonder-Kirkeby | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Sonderager | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Sonderbjerg | 285,000 | Planned | |||||
Sonderby (Assens) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sonderby (Frederikssund) | 500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Sonderby (Sonderborg) | 900 2 | Operational | |||||
Sonderby (Sonderborg) | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sonderby (Thisted) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Sonderby (Thisted) | 675 3 | Operational | |||||
Sonderdiger | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Sonderdiger | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Sonderha | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Sonderha | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Sonderhede | 4,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Sonderlandet | 4,500 5 | Operational | |||||
Sonderlandet | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Sonderup | 120 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sorbylille | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Soro | 2,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Sorring | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sorterup | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Sorterup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Sorup (Hjorring) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Sorup (Hjorring) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sorup (Rebild) | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Sosum | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sottrup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Sovang | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Sovang | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Sperring | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Spjellerup | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Sporring | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Sprogo | 21,000 7 | Operational | |||||
Sprove | 300 2 | Operational | |||||
St - Brondum | 4,500 6 | Operational | |||||
St - Brondum | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
St. Andst | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
St. Andst | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
St. Andst | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
St. Hillerslev | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
St. Ortoft-Volstrup | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Staby | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Staby | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Staby | 450 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Stadager | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Stadager | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Stadil | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stae | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Stagstrup | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Stagstrup | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Stagstrup | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Stagstrup | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stagstrup | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Stagstrup | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stallerup | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Stangerum | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Stangerum | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Stangerum | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Starreklinte | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Starup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Starup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Starup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stathove | 5,400 9 | Operational | |||||
Staun | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Staun | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Staureby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Stausgard | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Staverslund | 175 1 | Operational | |||||
Stavreby (Guldborgsund) | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Stavreby (Vordingborg) | 360 2 | Operational | |||||
Stege | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Stege | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Stendal (DK) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stenderup (Billund) | 2,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Stenderup (Hedensted) | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Stenderup (Hedensted) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stenderup (Hedensted) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stenderup (Sonderborg) | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Stenderup (Vejen) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Stenderup (Vejen) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Stenderup (Vejen) | 145 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stenlose | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Stenstrup | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Stenstrup | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Stenstrup | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stenum | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stenum Hgd | 10,350 3 | Operational | |||||
Stepping | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Sterup | 160 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stevning | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stevning | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stevns Nord | 350,000 | Planned | |||||
Stigs Bjergby | 1,350 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Stigs Bjergby | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Stigs Bjergby | 360 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Stjoul By-Bjerreby | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stjoul By-Bjerreby | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stodby | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Stodstrup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Stodstrup-Eskilstrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stoense | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Stoense | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stoense | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stokkebro | 210,000 | Planned | |||||
Stokkemarke | 550 1 | Operational | |||||
Stokkemarke | 160 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stokkemarke | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stokkemarke | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Stokkemarke | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Stokkemarke | Dismantled | ||||||
Stokkemarke | Dismantled | ||||||
Stolbrolokke | 250 1 | Operational | |||||
Stolbrolokke | 250 1 | Operational | |||||
Store Darum | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Store Darum | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Store Darum | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Store Darum | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Store Darum | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Store Heddinge | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Storvorde | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Storvorde | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Storvorde | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Storvorde | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Storvorde | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Stottrup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Stottrup | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Stouby | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stoubæk | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Stoutrup | 300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stovbæk | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Strandgarde Gammelsogn | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Strandgarde Gammelsogn | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Strandgarde Gammelsogn | 6,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Strandgarde Gammelsogn | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stroby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Stroby | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Stryno | 130 1 | Operational | |||||
Stubbom | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Stubdrup-Bronderslev | 2,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Stubdrup-Bronderslev | 2,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Stude | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Styding | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Styvel | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Sulsted | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Sundby (Morso) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Sundby (Morso) | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sundby (Morso) | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sundby (Thisted) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Sunds | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Svallerup | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Svallerup | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Svallerup | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Svallerup | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Svanholm | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Svejrup | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Svejrup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Svennum | 270 1 | Operational | |||||
Svenstrup | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Svindbæk | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Svindbæk | 12,800 4 | Operational | |||||
Svindbæk (Ikast-Brande) | 19,200 6 | Operational | |||||
Svindinge | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Svingbjerg | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Svingelbjerg | 3,600 6 | Operational | |||||
Svinninge | 1,350 3 | Operational | |||||
Svino | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Svino | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Svogerslev | 900 3 | Operational | |||||
SWT-6.0-154 Prototype | 6,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Syd østlige del - Albæk | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Syd østlige del - Albæk | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Sydostlige | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sydostlige del Vedsted | 500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Sydvensyssel Vindmollelaug | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Syltholm | 26,250 35 | Operational | |||||
Sæby | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Sæd Ubjerg | 10,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Sæd Ubjerg | 10,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Sædding | 6,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Særslev | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Særslev | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Sæsing | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Søllestedgard | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Søllestedgard | 6,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Taastrup | 850 1 | Operational | |||||
Tamdrup | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Tammestrup | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Tandrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tange | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Tannerup | 3,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Tarnby | 130 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tarp (DK) | 1,700 2 | Operational | |||||
Tarp (DK) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Tars (Guldborgsund) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Tars (Guldborgsund) | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Tars (Guldborgsund) | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Tars (Guldborgsund) | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Tars (Guldborgsund) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tars (Hjorring) | 6,600 10 | Operational | |||||
Tars (Hjorring) | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Tars (Hjorring) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tars (Hjorring) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tars (Hjorring) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tars (Hjorring) | 160 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tarup (Aalborg) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Tarup (Aalborg) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Tarup (Kerteminde) | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Tarup (Nyborg) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tarup (Viborg) | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Tarupgard Hovedgard | 2,550 3 | Operational | |||||
Tebbestrup | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Teestrup | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Terpager | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Terslose | 500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Testrup | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Thise | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Thise | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Thise | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Thisted | 900 4 | Operational | |||||
Thisted | 4,200 1 | Operational | |||||
Thisted | 2,200 1 | Operational | |||||
Thisted | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Thor - 2020 Tender | 1,008,000 | Approved | |||||
Thorsgarde | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Thorsgarde | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Thorstrup | 12,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Thorum | 1,700 2 | Operational | |||||
Thorum | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Thorup | 4,500 6 | Dismantled | |||||
Thorup | 21,500 5 | Operational | |||||
Thybo | 4,000,000 | Planned | |||||
Thybo II | 1,760,000 | Planned | |||||
Thyboron Havn | 3,600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Thyboron Havn | 15,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Thyregod | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tim | 3,600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tim | 4,500 3 | Operational | |||||
Tim | 3,600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tim | 3,600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tim | 3,825 17 | Dismantled | |||||
Tim | 30,000 5 | Operational | |||||
Timring | 3,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Timring | 3,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Timring | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Timring | 3,400 4 | Operational | |||||
Tingerup | 400 2 | Operational | |||||
Tingsted (Guldborgsund) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Tingsted (Thisted) | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Tirslund (Tonder) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Tirslund (Tonder) | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Tirslund (Tonder) | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Tirslund (Vejen) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Tirslund (Vejen) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Tirslund (Vejen) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Tirsted | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Tirsted | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Tirsted | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tiset | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tisted | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tisted | 10,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Tisted | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tisteder | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tjaereborg | 11,500 4 | Operational | |||||
Tjaereborg | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Tjaereborg | 2,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Tjaereborg | 1,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tjaereborg | 2,500 1 | Operational | |||||
Tjaereborg | 2,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Tjaereborg | Dismantled | ||||||
Tjaereborg | Dismantled | ||||||
Tjaereborg | Dismantled | ||||||
Tjorneby | 600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tjorneby | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Tjorneby-Utterslev | 6,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Tjorneby-Utterslev | 6,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Tjorneby-Utterslev | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Tjornelunde | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Tjorntved-Stenlille | 2,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Tjæreborg Enge | 17,000 7 | Operational | |||||
Tjæreborg Enge | 600 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Tjæreborg Enge | Dismantled | ||||||
Tjæreby | 250 1 | Operational | |||||
Tjæreby | 900 2 | Operational | |||||
Tobol | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Todbjerg | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Toderup | 1,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Tofthoj | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Toftlund (Frederikshavn) | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Toftlund (Frederikshavn) | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Toftlund (Ikast-Brande) | 400 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Toftnæs | 600 3 | Operational | |||||
Tohuse | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Toksværd | 160 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tollose | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tolstrup (Bronderslev) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tolstrup (Bronderslev) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tolstrup (Vesthimmerland) | 780 6 | Dismantled | |||||
Tonder | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Tondering | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Tondering | 850 1 | Operational | |||||
Tondering | 850 1 | Operational | |||||
Tondering | 850 1 | Operational | |||||
Tondering | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tonning | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Toommerby | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Toommerby | 1,800 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Toommerby | 900 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Toreby | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Toreby | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Torkilstrup (Guldborgsund) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Torkilstrup (Lejre) | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Tornby | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tornby | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tornby | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tornby | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tornemark | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Tornemark | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Tornum | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Tornum | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Torpe (Langeland) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Torpe (Langeland) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Torpe (Langeland) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Torpe (Langeland) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Torpe (Lolland) | 2,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Torpe-Skrobelev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Torrild | 2,700 3 | Operational | |||||
Torring (Hedensted) | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Torring (Lemvig) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Torring (Lemvig) | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Torring (Lemvig) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Torslev (Frederikshavn) | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Torslev (Frederikshavn) | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Torslev (Frederikshavn) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Torslev (Frederikshavn) | 1,200 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Torslev (Frederikshavn) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Torslev (Frederikshavn) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Torslev (Frederikshavn) | 600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Torslev (Frederikshavn) | 600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Torslev (Frederikshavn) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Torslev (Frederikshavn) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Torslev (Frederikshavn) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Torslev (Frederikshavn) | 12,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Torslev (Norddjurs) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Torslev (Norddjurs) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Torslev (Norddjurs) | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Torsted (Rebild) | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Torsted (Thisted) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Torsted (Thisted) | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Torsted (Thisted) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Torsted (Thisted) | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Torsted (Thisted) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Torum | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Torum | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Torum | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Torup (Halsnaes) | 450 1 | Operational | |||||
Torup (Jammerbugt) | 6,400 2 | Operational | |||||
Tostenæs | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tottrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Toustrup | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Toving | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Tovstrup | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Trelde | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Tressebolle | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Tressebolle-Snode | 300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Troelstrup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Trollund | 4,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Trostrupgaard | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Trustrup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Trustrup | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Trustrup (Oder) | 4,400 2 | Operational | |||||
Tryggelev | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Tryggelev | 1,500 1 | Operational | |||||
Tryggelev | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Tryggelev | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Tryggelev | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Tryggelev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tryggevælde | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Tryghus-Arninge | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Trællerup | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Trællerup | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tullebolle | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tulstrup (Rebild) | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Tulstrup (Skanderborg) | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Tulstrup (Skanderborg) | 750 5 | Dismantled | |||||
Tulstrup (Skanderborg) | 2,550 3 | Operational | |||||
Tumbol | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Tumbol | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Tuno Knob | 5,000 10 | Operational | |||||
Tureby | 10,350 3 | Operational | |||||
Tureby | 6,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Tved | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Tved | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Tversted | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Tversted | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Tversted | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Tversted | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tvile | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Tvile | 1,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Tvilum | 5,400 6 | Operational | |||||
Tvilum | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Tvorup (Rebild) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tvorup (Thisted) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Tyrsting | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tyvelse | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Tyvelse | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Tyvelse | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Tyvse | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Tyvse | 2,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Tyvse | 500 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Tæbring | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Ubby (Holbaek) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ubby (Kalundborg) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Ubby (Kalundborg) | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Udby | 250 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Udby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Udby | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Udbyneder | 14,000 7 | Dismantled | |||||
Udbyneder | 2,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Udbyneder | 4,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Udbyneder | 11,500 5 | Operational | |||||
Udbyneder | 2,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Udbyneder | 2,000 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Udbyneder | 39,600 11 | Operational | |||||
Udbyneder | 7,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Udbyover | 3,300 5 | Operational | |||||
Udgaet (Guldborgsund) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Udgaet (Guldborgsund) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Udgaet (Lolland) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ugerlose | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Uggerslev | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Ugilt | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Ugilt | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Ugilt | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Ugilt | 660 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Uglerup | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Uhre | 3,900 3 | Operational | |||||
Uhre | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Uhre | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ulbjerg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ulbjerg | 4,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Ulbjerg | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Ulbolle | 120 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ulfborg | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Ulfborg | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Ulfborg | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Ulfborg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ulfborg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ulfborg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ulfborg | 7,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Ulfborg | 3,600 1 | Operational | |||||
Ullerslev | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Ullerslev | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Ullerup | 17,200 4 | Operational | |||||
Ullerup (Nordfyn) | 3,000 5 | Operational | |||||
Ullerup (Nordfyn) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ullerup (Nordfyn) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ullerup (Thisted) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Ullerup (Thisted) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Ullerup (Thisted) | 675 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Ullerup (Vesthimmerland) | 3,000 4 | Dismantled | |||||
Ullerup-Torup | 16,000 5 | Operational | |||||
Ullits | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Ulse | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ulsted | 500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Ulsted | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Ulstrup (Kalundborg) | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Ulstrup (Mariagerfjord) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Understed | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Ure | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Urup | 2,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Urup | 3,900 3 | Operational | |||||
Urup | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Urup | 2,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Urup | 1,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Urup | 18,000 6 | Operational | |||||
Utterslev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Utterslev | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Utterslev | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Utterslev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
V. Hassing | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
V. Hassing | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
V. Hassing | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
V164/9500 prototype | 9,500 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vaarst | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vabensted | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Vabensted | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vabensted | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Vabensted | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Vadum | 450 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Vaeggerlose | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vaeggerlose | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Vaeggerlose | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vallensved | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vallensved | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vallensved | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vallensved | 4,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Valsgard | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Vandborg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vandborg | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vandborg | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vandborg | 450 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Vandsted | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vang | 450 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Vang | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Vantore | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Varde | 300 2 | Operational | |||||
Varde Markjorder | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Varpelev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vassingerød | 2,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Vattenfall | 2,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Veddelev | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Veddelev | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Veddelev | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Veddelev | 850 1 | Operational | |||||
Veddelev | 1,200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Veddum | 6,000 6 | Dismantled | |||||
Veddum | 2,000 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Veddum | 180 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Veddum | 37,800 9 | Operational | |||||
Vederso | 6,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Vederso | 4,500 3 | Operational | |||||
Vederso | 4,500 3 | Operational | |||||
Vederso | 2,250 10 | Dismantled | |||||
Vedsted | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vedtofte | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Vedtofte | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Veerst | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Veggerslev | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Vejby (Hjorring) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Vejby (Skive) | 500 2 | Operational | |||||
Vejby (Skive) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Vejby (Skive) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vejbæk | 1,550 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vejerslev | 2,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Vejerslev | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Vejerslev | 675 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Vejlby | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Vejlby | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Vejle | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vejleby | 600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vejleby | 600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vejleby | Dismantled | ||||||
Vejleby | Dismantled | ||||||
Vejlvj | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Vejrum | 4,800 8 | Operational | |||||
Vejrum | 12,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Veldbæk | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Veldbæk | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Veldbæk | 1,500 3 | Operational | |||||
Velling (Randers) | 400 2 | Operational | |||||
Velling (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Velling (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 6,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Velling Mærsk | 900 4 | Dismantled | |||||
Velling Mærsk | 900 4 | Operational | |||||
Velling Mærsk | 2,250 10 | Dismantled | |||||
Vemb | 29,700 9 | Operational | |||||
Vemmelev | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vemmelev | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Vemmelev | Dismantled | ||||||
Vemmelose | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Vennebjerg | 300 2 | Operational | |||||
Vennebjerg | 300 2 | Operational | |||||
Vennebjerg | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Vennebjerg | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Venner | 5,600 1 | Operational | |||||
Venner | 5,600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vennerby | 675 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Vennergard | 400 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Vennergard | 1,800 8 | Dismantled | |||||
Verninge | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Verninge | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Vestenskov | 9,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Vestenskov | 300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vestenskov | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Vestenskov | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Vester Barde | 750 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vester Barde | 1,200 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Vester Birk | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vester Gasse | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Vester Halne | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vester Kippinge | 1,100 2 | Operational | |||||
Vester Lindet | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Vester Orum | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Vester Terp | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Vester Terp | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vester Torsted | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Vester Vedsted | 250 1 | Operational | |||||
Vester Vedsted | 400 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Vester Vedsted | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Vester-Ulslev | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Vesterbo | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Vesterbolle | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vestergard | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Vesterhav Nord | 176,000 21 | Under construction | |||||
Vesterhav Syd | 168,000 | Under construction | |||||
Vesterheden | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Vesterheden | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vesterladen | 6,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Vesternæs | 300 1 | Operational | |||||
Vesternæs | 3,600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vesternæs | 3,600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vesternæs | 3,450 1 | Operational | |||||
Vestero | 180 1 | Operational | |||||
Vestervig | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vestervig | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vestervig | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vestervig | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Vestervig | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Vestervig | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vestervig | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Vestervig | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Vestervig | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Vestervig | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vestervig | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vestervig | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vestervig | 500 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Vestrup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Vestrup | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vestrup | 2,400 4 | Operational | |||||
Vetterslev | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Viby | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Viby | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Videbæk | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Videbæk | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Videbæk Mose Vindmollepark | 12,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Vidstrup | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vidstrup | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vigero-Lindo | 2,640 12 | Dismantled | |||||
Vigero-Lindo | 9,200 4 | Operational | |||||
Vigero-Lindo | 3,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Vigero-Lindo | 3,450 1 | Operational | |||||
Vigero-Lindo | 3,300 1 | Operational | |||||
Vigsnæs | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vigso Bay | 450,000 | Planned | |||||
Vildbjerg | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Vildbjerg | 300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vildbjerg | 6,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Vildmosegard | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Vile | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vile | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Villebol | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Villerslev | 100 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Villerup | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Vils | 850 1 | Operational | |||||
Vilsbæk | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vilsbæk | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vilsbæk | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vilsbæk | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Vilslev | 3,900 3 | Operational | |||||
Vilslev | 450 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Vilsted | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Vilsted Hede | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Vilstrup | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Vinde Helsinge | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Vindeby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vindeby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vindeby | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vindeby-Lolland | 4,950 11 | Dismantled | |||||
Vindelev (Hedensted) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Vindelev (Vejle) | 1,600 2 | Operational | |||||
Vindelev (Vejle) | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Vinding (Herning) | 850 1 | Operational | |||||
Vinding (Herning) | 1,700 2 | Operational | |||||
Vinding (Herning) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Vinding (Herning) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Vinding (Herning) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Vinding (Herning) | 1,800 3 | Operational | |||||
Vinding (Herning) | 600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vinding (Silkeborg) | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Vinding (Silkeborg) | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Vindum | 5,000 5 | Operational | |||||
Vinkel | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vinkel | 2,640 4 | Operational | |||||
Vinstrup | 600 3 | Operational | |||||
Vinum | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Virket | 300 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Virring (Randers) | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Virring (Skanderborg) | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Virring (Skanderborg) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Viskinge | 6,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Vissing | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vittarp | 5,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Vittrup | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Vium (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Vium (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 18,000 6 | Operational | |||||
Vium (Ringkobing-Skjern) | 600 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Vium (Skive) | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vium (Skive) | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Vium (Skive) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vium (Skive) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Viumgard | 2,700 3 | Operational | |||||
Viumgard | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Viumgard | 900 1 | Operational | |||||
Vive | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vodder | 3,750 5 | Operational | |||||
Vodder | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Vodder | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Vodder | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Vodder | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Vodder | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Vodder | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Voer | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Voer | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Voer | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Voerbjerg (Aalborg) | 400 2 | Operational | |||||
Voerbjerg (Jammerbugt) | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Voergard Hgd-Voer | 12,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Vognsild | 13,800 6 | Operational | |||||
Vognstrup | 3,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Vojens | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Vojens | 800 1 | Operational | |||||
Voldby (Favrskov) | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Voldby (Middelfart) | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Voldby (Middelfart) | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Volderslev | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Volderslev Stenlose | 1,800 2 | Operational | |||||
Voldtofte | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Voldtofte | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Voldtofte | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Voldum | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vollerup (Aabenraa) | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vollerup (Aabenraa) | 160 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vollerup (Hjorring) | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Vollerup (Slagelse) | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Vollum | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Vollum | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Volstrup (Aalborg) | 300 2 | Dismantled | |||||
Volstrup (Frederikshavn) | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Volstrup (Frederikshavn) | 1,980 3 | Operational | |||||
Volstrup (Frederikshavn) | 600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Volstrup (Frederikshavn) | 600 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Volstrup (Frederikshavn) | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Volstrup (Frederikshavn) | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Volstrup (Frederikshavn) | 4,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Volstrup (Frederikshavn) | 660 1 | Operational | |||||
Volstrup (Rebild) | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Volstrup-Rorbæk | 12,800 4 | Operational | |||||
Vonsild | 3,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Vorgod | 12,000 4 | Operational | |||||
Vorgod | 3,000 1 | Operational | |||||
Vork-Egtved | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vork-Egtved | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vormstrupgard | 1,500 2 | Operational | |||||
Vorre | 1,200 2 | Operational | |||||
Vorre | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Votborggard | 1,750 1 | Operational | |||||
Vra (Aalborg) | 11,250 15 | Operational | |||||
Vra (Aalborg) | 11,250 15 | Operational | |||||
Vra (Frederikshavn) | 270 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vra (Frederikshavn) | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Vra (Frederikshavn) | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Vra Hovedgard-Ajstrup | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Vrensted | 200 1 | Operational | |||||
Vridsted | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Vridsted | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Vridsted | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Vridsted | 1,320 2 | Operational | |||||
Vrigsted | 3,000 3 | Operational | |||||
Vrinners | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vroue | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Vroue | 250 1 | Operational | |||||
Vroue | 6,000 2 | Operational | |||||
Vust | 2,000 5 | Operational | |||||
Væggerlose | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Væggerlose | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Væggerlose | 600 1 | Operational | |||||
Væggerlose | 150 1 | Operational | |||||
Væggerlose | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Væggerlose | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Væggerlose | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Væggerlose | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Væggerlose | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Væggerlose | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Væggerlose | 150 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Værlose-Fakse | 599 1 | Operational | |||||
Værslev | 2,250 3 | Operational | |||||
Værum | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Værum | 750 1 | Operational | |||||
Værum | 200 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Ydby | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
Ydby | 500 1 | Operational | |||||
Ydby | 225 1 | Dismantled | |||||
Yllebjerg Garde | 1,980 3 | Dismantled | |||||
Yttrup | 225 1 | Operational | |||||
ND: no data