The Wind Power es una completa base de datos mundial sobre la energía eólica dirigida a los principales actores profesionales del mercado. The Wind Power es una completa base de datos mundial sobre la energía eólica dirigida a los principales actores profesionales del mercado.
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IREC Index


IREC Index platform provides energy indexes for the monitoring of operating wind farms worldwide. These indicators, designed by Eoltech, are available in an easy-to-use format and constitute essential insights for asset managers to check the actual production capacity of their wind farm portfolio. Indeed, they allow to quantify the wind resource actually available and compare it to the production of their assets, month after month or over elapsed periods.

For a first level of analysis, January-to-date wind energy indexes are available for free on this platform for 300 regions over 40 countries (see Cumul IREC).

The Wind Power
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