General data | Wind farms | By zones |
Map | Media | IREC Index |
Accurate coordinates:
Under construction
Approximate coordinates:
Under construction
Name | Total power (kW) |
Number of turbines |
Blue Sky Green Field | 145,200 | |
Butler Ridge | 54,000 | |
Cashton Greens | 5,000 | |
Cedar Ridge | 67,650 | |
Evansville WWTP | 100 | |
Forward Fontanelle (WI) | 1,600 | |
Forward Phase I | 99,000 | |
Forward Phase II | 30,000 | |
Galactic Wind | 4,950 | |
Galactic Wind | 4,950 | |
Glacier Hills | 162,000 | |
Montfort Wind Farm | 30,000 | |
Port of Milwaukee | 100 | |
Quilt Block | 98,000 | |
Red Barn | 81,600 | |
Red Barn | 10,800 | |
Rosiere Wind Farm | 11,220 | |
S.C. Johnson Waxdale | 3,000 | |
Shirley | 20,000 | |
Wausau High School | 100 | |
We Energy Wind Farm | 1,320 | |
WPS Wind Farm | 9,240 | |
Zirbel Wind Farm (dismantled) | 1,200 | |
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