The Wind Power is a comprehensive database of detailed raw statistics on the rapidly growing sphere of wind energy and its supporting markets. The Wind Power is a comprehensive database of detailed raw statistics on the rapidly growing sphere of wind energy and its supporting markets.
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Chile wind farms file

  General data  

Wind farms

  By zones   Map   Media   IREC Index  

Power (kW) Number of
height (m)
Status Commissioning
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86,400 18 Operational
Alto Baguales
1,980 3 Operational
Alto Baguales II
1,800 2 Operational
165,300 29 Under construction
Aurora (CL)
129,000 43 Operational
Cabo Leones
115,500 55 Operational
Cabo Leones II
245,000 49 Operational
Cabo Leones III
82,500 22 Operational
Cabo Negro
2,550 3 Operational